What is Vedic Astrology?
Ancient seers observed that time is not just a linear measure of change, but is also the force that maintains equilibrium in the Universe by deciding which events to manifest and in which order (the winter is always followed by the spring, youth is followed by old age, etc). Thus, Vedic Astrology is, in essence, the study of Time, and its impact on our lives.
How does it work?
From our perspective on Earth, time can be assessed by the planetary positions in the sky above us. Vedic sages came up with the system of “reading” the quality of time. They distinguished certain basic elements (archetypes) that make up our inner selves, and associated their combination in a person with the planetary positions at the moment of birth.
How can an astrological consultation help?
Vedic astrology in Sanskrit is called Jyotish, meaning the Light of God. In this way an astrological consultation is a method of self-discovery and awareness. It sheds light on one’s inner nature, strengths and weaknesses, and helps to deal with the latter ones by means of various remedies. From a spiritual perspective it shows what karmas a soul has accumulated so far, which are to fructify in this life, and the higher purpose of this incarnation. Overall it helps to live one’s life to its highest potential.